I was really sickened after watching the press conference with the new Steelers Head Coach. I was also sickened after watching the two great playoff games to get to the super bowl. Here is why.
Can we not just say it was great to see the two teams getting to the super bowl and we wish them luck? No we had to say that this is the first time that an African American Coach made it to the super bowl. Now I don’t care if the couch was GREEN and flew here in a space ship, if they are a Couch of an NFL team then congrates and Good Luck to you.
Now we get a new couch for our Loved Steelers and what is the first thing they pick up on, not that the man has never played in the NFL, but that once again he is an African American Coach.
We are lucky to have this man and I am sure he will be an asset to Pittsburgh and the Steelers.
Please remember this is 2007 not 1807, color does not mean a thing, our final goal does and that is to win the Super Bowl once again!