First we dig into our brains or we keep a open eye and mind as we are driving. What we are hoping to capture is something to begin or use in our story telling.
As we drove yesterday to to the local Amish Country I noticed a little road side store called Bessey’s Market. Just a little place sitting off the side of the two land road. I asked my wife to grab a paper and pen and write the name down so that I may use it later in a story? We then past another place that I thought would be just as interesting called Lake Side Dinner. I liked the second place because it looked deserted and run down. In my mind flashed a story around this little dinner.
Stories come from all over the place. Even if you are not hoping to one day become a writer. Maybe just jot down some notes about where you have been. This may help your mind grab those memories one day when we begin to forget.
Thanks so much to you who reads this little blog. I know you can go anywhere and get your daily dose on non sense but you decided to share mine with me.
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