
I am working at using this little powerful guy as my only carry laptop and I am going to use it daily so that I can get a feel for what our students will be dealing with if anything? This laptop sells new for $249.00 or $280.00 for education because of the management back end. We as many schools will be putting money into the Chrome basket to get more a lot more with less money. Let’s say schools are saving hundreds of thousands of dollars by using Chrome and Google Docs. Also the back end is seeing a savings because there will be no Microsoft Licenses or Anti Virus software.

I have to get use to the keyboard not because it is smaller it is just a very easy touch. Technology changes and we have to allow our selves to grow and learn with the technology.

If you are in education then I would say pick up a Chrome book and begin learning how you can live without some apps from your life.

By admin

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