When I was first asked to attend this conference my thought was that I already produce 3 podcasts each week, I have a blog 4 total and I just started to build my WIKI site. I was thinking what else could I learn about these topics?
Well I should have feel back on what I always tell interns. You can never know enough about what you really love to do.
We were introduced to Will Richardson who has been an educator for years and now he is a blogger as he puts it. Will has spent a lot of time on the Internet and he has found some very nice sites that will allow you to setup a FREE blog as well as a FREE WIKI. He even introduced a FREE site that will host your podcasts.
Check out Will’s blog at http://weblogg-ed.com/ he also has a really great informational WIKI at http://willrichardson.wikispaces.com/.
You can setup your FREE blog at http://blogspot.google.com and you can setup your own FREE WIKI at http://www.wikispaces.com.