If you tried to visit my site over the past few days it might have been down? I was e-mailed from my hosting company and they told me they found a virus on my site. They really didn’t have the time to fix the site. I was out of town at a conference. When I did have sometime to look at the site I found it down. I don’t know how long it was off line.
Once I got home I was able to dig into the issue. I was able to re-upload the entire word press blogging site. Once I did that the site came back to life. I feel very lucky.
I can say I am still not sure of what happened. I think that their virus scanners caught an old file and flagged it. One thing that is good I have no one who logs into this site. There are no members to worry about. The main thing is the site is back up and the reviews will once again be live.