I have been in contact with the Pittsburgh Zoo about bringing a photography class to the zoo for some nature pictures. They have been very receptive to the idea.
I am planning this trip in June and if you read this web site and would like to spend 4 hours with me shooting some of the coolest animals in the area please drop me an E-Mail.
For the 4 hour shoot I am planning the cost to be $40.00, this would included the price of your admission. We would either meet at the zoo or if you are not sure of where the zoo is located we could convey from a central location.
If you send me an e-mail please also indicate if you would like to take a family member, the cost for the family member not shooting would only be the price of admission. They can enjoy the zoo and meet us when we are done with the class.
Please e-mail me soon: jokorn@gmail.com