At the beginning of every New Year, what will the year bring? I begin every New Year the same way. I updated my Good Reads reading goal for the year. I have begun planning our summer vacation motorcycle trip. This year will be a long trip, and I hope it is fantastic. And this year, I will finally reach my early retirement age. I still enjoy teaching and have no plans for early retirement, but knowing you can retire makes this New Year look even more exciting. I also would like to write more. I started writing a new book a few years ago. Maybe this is the year I will finish it? I have always enjoyed blogging, but I don’t feel some people still read blogs. Well, it’s time to start the pork roast and begin the first day of the year. I sat this morning and read ten chapters of my current book. It is back to work tomorrow, so today is our last day of winter break. But I wanted to say Happy New Year to anyone who is still reading this blog, and I hope that 2025 will be everything you wish it to be.